'Check dis' Trapped Magazine Interview UKDE Edition - Bookey Clothing - Streetwear

'Check dis' Trapped Magazine Interview UKDE Edition

November 03, 2018

Pieces with a story are what streetwear was founded on and this brand stays true to that ethos. Bookey Clothing grew out of that real experience of living in a run-down council estate in Birmingham.

People were paranoid or frightened to leave their homes. Bookeys logo, the guy in the blinds, is the symbol of that experience – paranoia at one end to suffering with anxiety and depression at the other.


Trapped Magazine – How was the brand born?

Bookey Clothing - It all started with my first Bookey sketch, which is the man in the blinds – I came up with that concept from some real-life experiences. I started to sketch ideas down on paper then started sticking that piece of paper to some t-shirts. I thought that looked good and thought “maybe we are on to something”, so I sourced a company that produced pre-made t-shirts and also sourced a local printer. Then I had about ten of them printed which became my samples. This was the brands first step into the fashion industry.

Trapped Magazine – What is the brand ethos?

Bookey Clothing – Our brand ethos is to provide good quality clothing, unique designs and to stay true to what Bookey Clothing is as a brand.

Trapped Magazine – What are your most popular pieces?

Bookey Clothing – Definitely the Bookey Classic Tracksuits, they are fresh!

Trapped Magazine – What is your definition of streetwear?

Bookey Clothing – I think it’s a type of clothing that represents your personality, like you have different types of streetwear just like you have different types of people.

Trapped Magazine – Where does the inspiration for your collection/pieces come from?

Bookey clothing – They come from everyday living and memories, I can see a certain shape or a colour somewhere, or a design and it will click with me that I can incorporate that into my designs in my own unique way. Or I can be thinking about a certain jacket that I have copped and the designs features of that garment. I get inspiration daily.

Trapped Magazine – What has been the biggest win for the brand so far?

Bookey clothing – My designs have been completely unique, I am not just following another brand or jumping on someone else’s bandwagon, so I think that is what has been a win.

Trapped Magazine - What have you learnt since starting the brand?

Bookey Clothing – Originally when I started, I thought it was all about having ideas however the whole process of putting a garment together has shown me that there is a lot more to it, especially if you want something that is appealing and unique.


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